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Psychological fables in movies (Thousands of Minds)
2015-10-12 10:45  

Psychological fables in movies (Thousands of Minds)

Content introduction

Psychoanalysis and cinema, from the very beginning, have an indissoluble bond。Perhaps whether it is psychoanalysis or movies, what moves people is that they touch the most real depth of human nature in a symbolic way, which feels soft and painful, but makes people fascinated。

  We can often see ourselves again and again in the movie, see the tangle, see the struggle, see the loneliness;But also see intimacy, see attachment, see love……Find some deep resonance in someone else's story。——王峘

About the author

Wang Yuan Wuhan Zhongde Psychological Hospital psychologist, member of Chinese Psychoanalysis Association, International Sandplay Therapy Association (ISSTMember of the Development Group, International Psychoanalytic Association (IAAPMember of the Development Group, Sino-American Psychoanalytic Alliance (CAPA)成员。


Method 1 Finding meaning in Old age
I. The meaning of old age life
Active old age: the source of meaning in old age
Third, use active aging strategies to recover the meaning of life
Method 2: Live and learn
First, in the study of the old age
2. Active aging and learning
3. Learning in long-term care centers
Method 3 Learn Wisdom from Past Experiences
1. Discover the value of the past
Active aging and continuity
Active old Age: The Way to wisdom
Method 4 Strengthening Relationships
First, the need to belong
Active old age and sense of belonging
Positive aging strategies for coping with loss and loneliness
4. How to deal with grief and death of loved ones in active old age
Method 5: Give Generously to Grow
1. Help Others
2. Active aging and help
Being a grandparent is the best opportunity to give and receive help
Method 6 Forgive Yourself and others
1. Forgiveness
Second, forgiveness strategies in active old age
3. Forgiveness and mourning
Method 7: Always Be Grateful
1. Gratitude
2. Active aging and gratitude
Gratitude and coping with the challenges of old age
Conclusion: Seven ways of active aging


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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


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